Cakes and Cupcakes cookies

Lovely Vanilla Cake with Vanilla frosting


200 grams butter/ margarine
250 grams sugar
5 eggs
250 grams cake flour
13 grams baking powder
1/2 cup buttermilk ( heat milk till it’s bubbly, switch off and let it cool- not cold, add 1 tblsp vinegar,                                  stir lightly)
1tsp vanilla bean paste or extract

Make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature.
Grease well, a 10 inch round cake pan ( 8 inch square). If using oil then lightly dust it or cake release is fine. Preheat the oven to 360 F. Sift flour and baking powder in a bowl.

Beat butter and sugar till light and creamy, add eggs on at a time beating well after each addition. Slowly add the buttermilk and vanilla flavour, mix well. Add half of the flour and mix till incorporated. Add the remaining flour and mix again. pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 30-35 minutes or till when you insert a toothpick it comes out clean. Let it stand in the pan for 5 minutes before turning it out on a cooling rack.

Vanilla Frosting

250 grams butter ( soft)
500 grams icing sugar
1 tablespoon meringue powder
4-5 teaspoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
Beat butter till it is creamy, add in the icing sugar, meringue powder and vanilla. Mix it well till all is well combined. If the frosting is stiff you can add the milk (depending on the climate of your area).