
Cinnamon Rolls!! Best Ever!!

Narrated `Aisha:
The Prophet (ﷺ) used to love to start doing things from the right side whenever possible, in performing ablution, putting on his shoes, and combing his hair. (Al-Ash’ath said: The Prophet (ﷺ) used to do so in all his affairs.)  Sahih Al Bukhari 5380

These rolls can be all time breakfast, dessert or cup of coffee treat. It’s simple indulgence….

Dough Ingredients:
1 cup warm milk, scalded
2 1/2 tsp of active dry yeast
1/2 cup of white sugar
1 egg at room temperature
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 tsp salt

4+1 cups flour (bread flour will also work well)
1/4 cup warm water ( plus or minus to get a soft dough, little sticky)

Filling Ingredients:
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon (I like to use Saigon Cinnamon*)
1/3 cup butter, softened
2 cups icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4-5 tbsp. milk
1 teaspoon butter
Put about 1/4 cup  warm scalded milk in a small bowl and stir in the sugar and sprinkle with the yeast.Stir it and let it stand for 5 minutes for it to become frothy (this activates the yeast).
The rest of the milk put it in a stand mixer bowl.
To it add the melted butter, eggs, salt, the yeast mixture and 3 cups of flour mix together using the hook attachment.
The mixture will be wet at this point, add another cup of flour (4th cup) and continue mixing reserving the 5th one. Continue to mix the dough when it has come all together, stop the machine and remove the bowl. Sprinkle a little flour on your work surface and bring out the dough, knead the dough by bringing it together in the center. If the dough feels sticky continue adding little by little flour from the reserved flour.
 The dough should be smooth, elastic when you stretch it out with your fingers for the window pane test.
Form dough into a ball and place in a large lightly oiled bowl. Let rest until doubled in size. 1-1.5 hours.
When the dough has doubled punch down and place on a floured or non-stick work mat. Cover with a towel and let rest for 10 minutes.
Roll dough into a 16 x 21-inch rectangle. Spread dough with 1/3 cup butter and sprinkle evenly with sugar/cinnamon mixture. Roll up dough lengthwise , make sure the roll is tight and cut into 12 rolls. Place rolls in a lightly greased 9×13 inch baking pan.
At this point you have two options:
Recommended: Cover with plastic wrap and let rest overnight in the refrigerator. Take them out the next morning and let them hang out on your counter top while you preheat the oven to 400F (200 C). Bake for 20 minutes or until they are puffed out and the tops are golden brown.
Same day option: Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until nearly doubled, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 F (200 C).  Bake rolls for 15 minutes or until golden brown.


Put all the ingredients in a small pot. On a medium heat  mix well till well incorporated. Drizzle with a spoon over warm not hot rolls.

*Saigon Cinnamon is sweet and gives that flavor and smell to the buns. The regular cinnamon powder we get is the spicy one.