Ramadhan Recipes Snacks/Breakfast

Brunch & Suhoor Recipes

I like quick yet tasty brunches or breakfasts.

Bursting Flavor French Toast

8 slices of bread ( Texan style)
4 eggs

½ cup soft cream cheese ( can be full fat or light)
½ cup  sugar
3 cups milk
1 Tbsp Cinnamon pd
¼ tsp nutmeg pd

Lots of strawberries, cut in thick slices and blueberries ( Summerlicious!!)
For fall I like to use apples

For serving-  Icing sugar,maple syrup and fresh whipped cream 😮


Preheat the oven at 350 F.
Whip the cream cheese with sugar, keep aside.
In a bowl using a hand whisk mix the milk, eggs, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add in the cream cheese mixture. Cut the bread in cubes and spread it in an oven proof dish or baking pan. Sprinkle the fruits and pour the egg- milk mixture making sure the bread is well covered. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. When done, remove and sprinkle some icing sugar and serve warm with maple syrup and whipped cream….mm-mm good!!


Your choice of  chopped fruits (Strawberries, apples, mangoes, bananas, pineapples)
5-6 Tbsp Yogurt ( I like to use 2 %)
 ½ tsp Vanilla extract or essence
1 Tbsp brown sugar
Any cereal
Chopped nuts
Maple syrup, strawberry  or chocolate syrup

Mix yogurt, vanilla and brown sugar in bowl. Add 3 tablespoon of yogurt mixture into a glass, add some chopped fruits, put the remaining yogurt mixture  and finally top it up with your favorite cereal. You can add some sliced or chopped nuts and drizzle with maple syrup or any syrup of your choice. Enjoy!


My family is not big at eating eggs be it for breakfast, brunch or suhoor, I on the other hand love eggs- sunny side up, omelettes, scrambled or boiled. I do manage to get it eaten once in a while especially the following recipes.

Spanish Omelette

6 eggs, well beaten
salt and pepper to taste 
½ bunch chopped flat parsley
1 small onion, thinly sliced
2 potatoes,  medium sliced
1 clove garlic chopped
2 Tbsp oil
Cheese grated (optional)
Heat the oil in a a skillet. Add the garlic, saute till fragrant ( make sure not to brown it). Add onions, fry for a minute and layer the potatoes. Cover and let cook for 2-3 minutes. Add the beaten eggs and sprinkle the salt and pepper. Cover and cook on low heat till the eggs are firm. At this point I like to add my grated cheese, cover and cook further for a minute or two to melt the cheese. Cut in wedges and serve hot. Kids like to eat it on their own, a dash of hot sauce is very complimenting…

Sunny Side Up Dam

1 slice of bread
1 egg
1 small onion, sliced
1 Tbsp oil
salt and pepper
Cut a circle in the middle of the slice of bread ( I use a large round cookie cutter)
Heat the pan on medium heat and add the oil, put the slice over it. Put a few slices of onion in the center of the bread and crack an egg in it. Sprinkle salt and pepper and cover. Depends how well you want your egg to be you can time it. I like mine medium rare so it takes about 4-5 minutes. Toast the bread circle and garnish with tomato wedges or slices and serve.