Dinner Ramadhan Recipes

Al-Tazej Chicken

A very popular fast food in the Middle East especially Saudi Arabia, here is our version….

1 chicken- slit in butterfly 

salt to taste                                            Utensils needed- blender & oven proof dish if broiling
4-5 lemon juice
1 tomato
1 Tablespoon garlic paste
1 teaspoon red chilli flakes
1 teaspoon sumac
2-3 Tblsp olive oil

Blend the marination  ingredients and rub into the chicken. Marinate for 5-6 hours (you can put it in the refrigerator) and grill under broiler or charcoal grill till golden on both sides. Serve hot with fries, garlic sauce and kubz.

Garlic sauce-
!/2 cup garlic blend with 1/2 cup oil till thick paste. Add salt to taste.